Complex Valued Rectangular Ҫ_b- Metric spaces:Topological Properties and Application


  • Annam Nema Faraj University of Information Technology and Communication
  • Salwa Salman Abed Department of Mathematics, College of Education for Pure Science (Ibn Al-Haitham), University of Baghdad, Iraq.



We will begin by introducing the concept of complex valued rectangular - metric spaces which generalizes the notion of rectangular metric space and complex valued b -metric space. Then, some metric and topological properties, fixed point results and examples connected with certain contractions are obtained in the setting of complex valued rectangular Gb -metric spaces. Also, we will enhance the main result with application, where, unique common solution of system of Urysohn integral equation is given. The axis in which the topological properties rotate is wide and branching, and it difficult to confine it to a small research, but in this paper we will try to extend with the complex valued rectangular -metric spaces. In addition to presenting some examples that give a somewhat clear perception of the concept




How to Cite

Faraj, A. N., & Abed, S. S. (2023). Complex Valued Rectangular Ҫ_b- Metric spaces:Topological Properties and Application . Samarra Journal of Pure and Applied Science, 5(4), 197–210.